Signature 16 March 2022
Mister Dimitri GAUER
The Co-inventor (left Photo) from Beaucourt (90500-France)
T-Shidi is a new generation of identified and personified T-shirt which gives its owner the possibility of displaying personal data, either visible for non-sensitive data (first name or initials, blood type, date of birth, social class, sensitivity , status (single, married), sexuality, size, IQ, Nb times/day, etc.), or via a protected QR Code for sensitive data (allergies, illness, etc.)
You can't say it, show it!
Don't be shy, write who you are !
It's cooler and more efficient to wear a T-shidi 365 days a year than a hat for the Saint Catherine!
Deposit of the soleau letter : Monday 7th November 2022
T-Shidi blue (Shanna "Shi" - Brand muse)
White T-Shidi (Dimitri, "Di" - Brand muse)